2009    现代艺术展览及宝贝基金慈善拍卖       上海
 2009    "蒲公英的寓意"中国当代艺术家作品展     
 2009    "艺术中国制造"华诞60周年当代艺术展览     
 2009    "外滩 外滩"孙明刚油画展      
 2009    "桃花泛漾"大东方当代艺术展       
 2009    "典型事件"七人联展       
 2008    "红人-红猪"系列展         
 2007    "0度空间"六人展       
 2004    "家园"系列个展         
 2002    西安西部大展         西安

The main artistic experience:
In 2009, Art in China, "Contemporary Art Exhibition",Shanghai
In 2009, The Bund,"Sun Minggang Oil Painting Exhibition",Shanghai
In 2009, A typical incident, "Exhibition of seven people",ShangHai
In 2009, " peachblossom ripple" Great Eastern Contemporary Art Exhibition,Shanghai
In 2008,”red pig—hot person” Series of Personal Exhibition,M50
In 2008,”red pig—hot person” Series of Personal Exhibition,Beijing
In 2007,” Space of zero degree” Exhibition of six people,Chengdu
In 2003, 'Homestead' of Personal Exhibition ,Lanzhou
In 2002, western Exhibition,Xi’an

三十岁的他,进入一个思考的年龄,对于七九年出生被划在八零后艺术家的孙明刚来说,他近年的<青春日志>系列标志着他的作品思想进入一种理性的成熟。他轻松随意,将笔下青春少女的生活状一面面呈现出来,形式和材料的运用,同时留给我们一个不完全的视觉思考,那看似简单的片断记录令我们惊讶:稚嫩鲜活与沉暗复杂的不协调竟然可以完美结合,艺术家何以去保持这样的心境呢?没有同情,没有愤怒,只有合理存在,这又是怎样的一个世界呢? ----老羊




borning in the western Gansu,Sun Minggang has a kind of almost naked sincerity in his character,and just this verity  bring his art making and profession with energy of motion.The energy of motion makes his works showing firmness and abundance which few people have.From the early realistic works to the performance of exploration,the artist has drawn out one status to another with his painting brush.
    A man come to 30 years old would to think about the life,and for Sun Minggang,who was born in 1979 but been divided to the artist of the 1980s, his work of"Youth Journal"series marks his works’ thought into rational and mature. He uses his paintbrush easily and freely shows the young girls’ living states,at the same time,he left us a incomplete visual thinking,and that seemingly simple pieces of record surprised us: immaturity and vivacity can perfectly intergrated with gloom and complexity.How can the artist keep such a mood:no sympathy,no wrath,and only reasonable existence.This is what a kind of world?          ----Lao Yang

Sun Minggang's paintings showing modern life color.girl on the pictures always gazes at you,and there is nothing in her eyes.Hanging in the sky with no grasp and no result, making viewers and her in different worlds.not desiring to be recognized and fearless mood attract the viewers' attention.Naked body is the mature of semi-manufactures.          ----HuoRong




Sun Minggang,a Professional painter.He was born August 1979 in Jingyuan,a famous culture county of Gansu province.He was fond of drawing when he was a small boy, whereas, because of conditional restriction, he painted on the wall,on the ground and in the blank of his book.When he was in junior school,he obtained his art lesson,which was the first art lesson in his life. His teacher amazed at his homework,and gave him a score of 99.From then on, he had more confidence in painting,and was obsessed with it. He was determined to become a painter. He went to town to saw art exhibition and calligraphy exhibition when he was fifteen.He used to hold bricks,farm land,and do business for money, for he had no money to pay school fees.These expierences of life determined his belief.He had his first professional art lesson when he was at 17.When he was 19 years old,he enterd the Tianshui Normal College, and his score ranked 13 of the Gansu province..He was graduated from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 2003,and then became a high school art teacher.He felt confused and painful because the ideal was too far from the reality.In 2009,he was quit his job determinedly and came to Shanghai and thence became a professional painter. In 2008,at Great Eastern of Shanghai, he was set up his painting studio,and he obtained his own art space in the Moganshan road in 2009. A man come to 30 years old would to think about the life,and for Sun Minggang,who was born in 1979 but been divided to the artist of the 1980s, his work of"Youth Journal"series marks his works’ thought into rational and mature. He uses his paintbrush easily and freely shows the young girls’ living states,at the same time,he left us a incomplete visual thinking,and that seemingly simple pieces of record surprised us: immaturity and vivacity can perfectly intergrated with gloom and complexity.