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我们是AAC团队,“中国买得起艺术节“(Affordable Art China, 简称AAC)。AAC是一个为艺术家提供向全世界艺术爱好者展示机会的平台。从2006年创办以来,经过七年的发展历程,AAC已经逐渐成为本地区重要的艺术活动之一。AAC每年都会展出很多来自中国各地艺术家的作品。每次的艺术节都是向公众开放并且免费参观的,并且所有的艺术品价格都在3万以下。AAC的目的就是让不同背景的人都有机会去欣赏中国当代艺术。 AAC每年在干什么? 每年举办买得起艺术节,从上千名报名的艺术家中挑选出优秀的当代艺术作品,在集中的几天内展出,给艺术家和艺术爱好者提供平台,并且所有作品在3万人民币以下,让更多的人买得起中国当代艺术! 什么是AAS2012? 经过7年在北京的展览,AAC终于来到上海! 十月份将会举办2012上海买得起艺术节(Affordable Art Shanghai 2012,简称AAS2012)我们会延续在北京的模式,只是质量会更高! AAS2012已经开始接受报名了!现在就报名参加吧! 我们将接收各种不同形式及大小的艺术品。所有艺术品在提交过程中艺术家要保证其真实和原创性。 以下为申请表格连接:http://www.affordableartchina.com/artist-application-cn/(中文) 所有申请者需要在提交申请的时候确保提交其作品的图片以及作品具体的细节 (包括大小,质地及价格)。 申请截止日期:2012年9月15日 如您想了解AAC更多信息,请登录我们的官方网站:www.affordableartchina.com What is AAC? Affordable Art China (AAC) is a platform for emerging artists to present their work to art lovers from all over the globe. Holding annual art fairs in Beijing (AAB) for the last seven years, Affordable Art China has showcased some of the most exciting contemporary artwork from around China. These multi-day events are open to the public and free of charge, emphasizing AAC's goal to give people of all different art backgrounds an opportunity to learn about and enjoy contemporary Chinese art. Featuring thousands of absolutely stunning artworks of all different styles, mediums, sizes and prices, AAC makes art collecting accessible to everyone. What do we do every year? We hold annual multi-day art fairs, choose the stunning contemporary artworks from thousands of artists. All the artworks' price are under 30,000RMB. What is AAS2012? After 7 years in Beijing, we finally come to Shanghai! AAS2012( Affordable Art Shanghai 2012) will take place in October 2012. We will continue what we did in Beijing, but just better! AAS2012 is now accepting applications! Submit today! All kinds of art are welcome, but they have to be original.Entries are now open for the event, which artists can apply to take part for free at http://www.affordableartchina.com/artist-application/ Deadline:September 15th 2012 Learn more about AAC at www.affordableartchina.com
发表时间 Released time:2012/7/17 14:04:00 浏览 Browse(53902) | 评论Comment(0)