
om space and time, to transiting of cultures: traditional vs contemporary, transition of feelings to emotions is what we live in everyday.
Transition - whether rooted from women, influential people who cause suffering onto others, or others who are suffering from physical or emotional pains - is the exhibition’s theme,
with works from Pang Yong, Lv Hong Liang, Zhang Yu Yan, Hu Zhi Peng, Chen Jing Dong, and Sun Ming Gang.
道犹如命脉,通往不同的地方,而河道有着两面岸,犹如此岸·彼岸。两岸之间挟着川流不息的河流,仿佛时间向前滑动。Time of Transition--时间过度。
地点:上海长乐路339弄15号 费历尼画廊