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电话 Phone:86+(0871)5031401(H)
邮箱 Email:dada1963525@sina.com
其他联系方式 Other contact:
中国云南省昆明市翠湖北路2号云南大学艺术学院《艺术方向》编辑室 Pc:650091
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贵州省文艺理论家协会理事、 贵州省美术家协会理论委员会副主任 、贵州省青年书法家协会会员 青岛海青艺术发展中心学术委员、广州《艺术界》杂志特邀编委、中国美术学院《视觉中国》丛书主编、北大“二十世纪中国文化研究中心”《中国现代艺术文献》编委会副主编 北京大学、美国芝加哥大学《中国当代艺术档案》丛书编委、中国美术学院《中国油画家》丛书编委

《中国当代艺术与“后冷战”时代的国家形象塑造》 北京《美术观察》6/2006

《“江湖”中的“摩登传媒》 昆明《摩登传媒》11/2005
《艺术的缘分总与云南的天空有关》 河北美术出版社《缘分的天空》、重庆《当代美术家》6/2005
《身体与情色:20世纪九十年代以来中国实验艺术中的暗流》 湖南美术出版社《艺术与社会:26位著名批评家谈中国当代艺术的转向》11/2005
《“中国点子”与观念艺术》 昆明《春城晚报》23.10/2005
《墨沉传川影、笔花流石神》 北京《当代美术家?刘维湘》,人民美术出版社7/2005
《先看图,再说话》 广西师大出版社, 广州美术馆编《美术馆》2004年(A辑)

《市场发疯、藏家肉搏、艺术家发……》 重庆《当代美术家》1/2005
《有一个美丽的地方:云南现代艺术的生长》 昆明《春城晚报》11/2004
《董重艺术创作的谱系》 上海《艺术世界》10/2004
《生于六十年代:艺术与生活》 北京《艺术评论》8/2004
《中国家庭的图像记忆》 北京“美术同盟”网刊、《贵阳日报》7,5/2004
《那些孩子的眼睛》 北京“美术同盟”网刊、《春城晚报》1,6/2004
《“迷药”使你心跳》 北京“美术同盟”网刊
《先看图,再说话》 北京“美术同盟”网刊
《独立时代的中国青年影像》 海口《天涯》6/2004
《从原始地带出发》 《第二届上海春季艺术沙龙》画册、上海《新民晚报》6/2004
《当代艺术“借景”丽江》 上海《艺术当代》1/2004
《创库,西坝路边101号和昆明的金色黄昏》 海口《天涯》3/2004
《多元视点》 北京《艺术评论》2/2004
《贵州油画的回顾与展望》 贵阳《艺文四季》1/2004
《人间悟道山水清音》 河北美术出版社《画道》1/2004
《重要的是自己发出声音》 北京《美术观察》4/2004
《观念与媒介实验:贵州现代艺术的另一面》 上海《艺术当代》4/2004

《当代艺术的“合法化”与“体制化”难题》 北京《艺术评论》1/2003
《是什么“行为”使“艺术”变得如此丑陋?》 海口《天涯》3/2003
《情色与妄想》 北京“美术同盟”网站
《读董克俊近作》 贵阳《当代贵州》7/2003《对面的城市看过来》 北京《美术同盟》网刊
《男人的全部是女人》 北京《美术同盟》网刊
《新媒体与当代艺术的民主化》 北京《美术同盟》网刊
《原始地带》 上海书店出版社《第二届上海春季艺术沙龙》画册

《解读与过度解读——从广州三年展看策展人的学术权力》 北京《现代艺术》6/2002
《从“五四”到当前:中国艺术中的社会批判性思潮回顾》 香港艺术公社《批评之维》
《图像的泛滥》 北京《北大在线》网站
《当代艺术中的中国语境与“中国困境”》 北京《犀锐》4/2002
《“长征”与当代艺术下乡》 上海《艺术当代》3/20 加拿大《典藏》(英文版)2002/3
《疏离与确认》 陈启基画集《边缘? 镜像》序言 贵阳《艺文四季》3/2002
《董重艺术中的身体形象》 《董重画集》序言 北京“美术同盟”网站
《游戏中的王俊》 《王俊画展?性灵游戏》前言 北京“美术同盟”网站
《“长征”与当代艺术下乡——给卢杰、邱志杰的一封公开信》 北京“美术同盟”网站
《“公共空间”与中国先锋艺术的成长》 香港中文大学《二十一世纪》4/2002
《现代艺术的道路——朱青生访谈》 北大“20世纪中国文化研究中心”《现代中国》丛刊
《“拥抱”的力量和意义——高氏兄弟访谈》 “世纪在线中国艺术”网站
《与足球有关的全民狂欢》 香港《世纪中国》网刊
《一个歌手最后的叹息》 贵阳《艺文四季》2/2002
《“真正的艺术家与知识分子是同路人”》 湖南美术出版社《艺术生态》
《本土的暴力与妖魔化的西方》 北京“美术同盟”网站
《关于“肉身的力量”》 北京“美术同盟”网站
《要做爱,不要作战——摇滚乐与行为艺术中的政治》 北京《现代艺术》3/2001
《艺术能否创造一种新的视觉道德?》 北京《现代艺术》1/2001
《艺术与技术的平衡》 北京《现代设计与艺术》2/2001
《线像中的“文化对话”》 广州《包装与设计》4/2001
《山水草木的诗心》 贵州美术出版社《张润生画集》序言
《曾来德书法实验的现代意义》 解放军文艺出版社《曾来德书法评论集》
《笔墨的解放与天地精神》 北京《东方艺术》1/2001
《新媒体艺术在中国》 北京《北京周报》(英文)

《极道之诗——读李华生近作》 2000年上海双年展画册《海上/上海》
《消费文化面面观》 贵州大学艺术学院西南艺术研究所刊印
《马克斯?贝克曼:生平和艺术》(编译) 贵州大学艺术学院西南艺术研究所刊印

《中国当代艺术的专业化、制度化与国际化》 香港《艺术潮流》杂志社
《雕塑也是一种情感》 广州《艺术界》4/1999
《城外的风景与城里的艺术家》 重庆《重庆青年报》

《机器乐园的现实和神话》 广州《艺术界》4/1998
《贵州当代艺术中的文化担负》 贵阳《贵大艺术学院学报》4/1998
《周边的震荡》 贵阳《贵大艺术学院学报》3/1998
《蒲国昌绘画中的生命激流》 贵阳《贵大艺术学院学报》2/1998
《我们只要消费,就会更富有!?》 贵阳《文化广角》2/1998

《文化民族主义和朱青生的消解模式》 南京《江苏画刊》6/1997
《我们时代的乌托邦》 南京《江苏画刊》9/1997
《沉溺与疏离》 南京《江苏画刊》12/1997
《用艺术的方式重新提问》 南宁《美术界》1/1997
《重返乌托邦:主题绪言》 南宁《美术界》4/1997
《形式建构与“中国经验”》 香港《艺术潮流》杂志社 王林主编《最后的风景》
《城市风景与MTV》 香港《艺术潮流》杂志社 王林主编《都市人格1997》
《逃离喧嚣》 贵阳《艺文论丛》2/1997
《刘万琪雕塑中的神奇与现实》 贵阳《当代贵州》7/1997

《读董克俊近作》 北京《美术》2/1996
《能游的人》 贵阳《贵阳社科》2/1996
《流光容易把人抛》 贵阳《花溪》1/1996
《走向现代的贵州蜡染》 贵阳《当代贵州》1/1996
《绘画,一种活法》 贵阳《艺文论丛》2/1996

《自由的门槛》 湖南美术出版社《当代艺术》/9
《平面上的生命》 广州《包装与设计》1/1995
《凿开南荒千古闷》 贵州人民出版社《黔苑墨迹》
《深度的消蚀》 吉林摄影出版社《董重画集》
《周世英蜡染艺术的精神和品格》 贵阳《周世英蜡染艺术》画集

《初生牛犊不怕虎》 贵阳《文化广角》1/1994
《蜡染艺术的现代创造》 贵阳《贵州日报》6,13/1994
《大景观的艺术》 贵阳《贵州文化》2/1994
《约会》 贵阳《文化广角》8/1994
《平头、披头士和小辫》 贵阳《文化广角》10/1994
《艺术杂记二则》 贵阳《贵州日报》4,8/1994

《说东道西可为师》 贵阳《艺文论丛》2/1993
《论艺术演进中传统的必要性》 贵阳《艺文论丛》3/1993
《室内的风景》 贵阳《艺文论丛》4/1993
《论诗》 贵阳《今日文坛》3/1993

《传媒时代的知识分子写作》 贵阳《山花》4/1992
《夜记——灯下漫笔》 贵阳《花溪》1/1992
《观念造型与神奇现实》 贵阳《贵州文化》2/1992

《独白》 贵阳《山花》5/1991

《困境中的贵州当代美术》 北京《美术》6/1990
《孩童之道:羽羽的墨戏和他的梦》 贵州《黔西南民族师专学报》1,2/1990

《民族文化的活化石》 贵州《黔西南民族师专学报》1,2/1989

《文化、现代化和人》 贵州《黔西南民族师专学报》1/1987
《学习观看的艺术》 兰州《当代文艺思潮》6/1987

《现代主义绘画中的原始性倾向》 兰州《当代文艺思潮》5/1986

《中国行为摄影》 与洛齐主编,中国美术学院出版社(2000年)
《中国西部贵州美术研究》 重庆美术出版社(即出)
《新具像》 湖南美术出版社(即出)
《从头再来》 香港世界华人艺术出版社(2004年)
《肉身与禁忌》(中国实验艺术关键词从书) 中国人民大学出版社(即出)
《图像与社会中的艺术家》 贵州人民出版社(2005年)

2006,6 “奇观”新媒体艺术展(昆明创库),策展人
2005,11 “超市”诗歌艺术展(深圳南山书城),学术主持人
2005,11 “南方生活”艺术展(昆明创库),学术主持人
2004,6 “中国家庭“艺术计划(昆明诺地卡),学术主持人
2004,6 第二届上海春季艺术沙龙“从原始地带出发“,策展人、学术主持人
2004,5 “看图说话“实验图像展(昆明ABAB艺术空间),特邀批批评家
2004,4 “迷药”女性艺术展(昆明诺地卡),特邀批批评家
2004,6 “我的家”(昆明诺地卡),策展人、特邀批批评家
2003,11 “另一半”女性艺术展(贵阳)学术主持人、特邀批批评家
2003,11 第二届贵阳油画双年展学术主持人
2003,11 “三角”观念艺术邀请展(贵阳、昆明)学术主持人、特邀批批评家
2003,10 首届上海春季艺术沙龙“原始地带”策展人、学术主持人
2003,10 “日常生活”纸上作品展(贵阳、昆明、重庆)、策展人
2003,6 “情色与妄想”(昆明,创库)、策展人
2001,6—7 “新媒体,新视觉”—2001年中国—德国新媒体艺术活动周(北京/上海/杭州)
2001,6 “肉身的力量”新艺术展(北京藏酷)、策展人
1998,4 “贵州大学艺术学院首届学术邀请展”(贵阳)、策展人1997,6 “重返乌托邦——都市人格1997”(贵阳),策展人、学术主持人



1.Educate with professional background:

In 1971 to 1975, it is little to read in Guizhou province mood benevolent county experiment primary school and the 3 of the area just outside a city gate , Ba bell primary school
In 1975 to 1979, read in Guizhou province mood benevolent county Palestinian bell to study , study drawing and penmanship with father
In 1979 to 1983 read in the Beijing Chinese speech literature department of Central University for Nationalities classical document special field, literature scholar degree
In 1983 to 1985 hold office in Guizhou province Qian southwest state government office
In 1985 to 1991 hold office in Guizhou province Qian the southwest national Chinese department of teachers training school
In 1991 so far, hold office in Guizhou university artistic institute, lecturer
Is Guizhou university artistic institute journal conducted associate chief editor and Guizhou university artistic institute southwest the artistic set of research institute grow
In 2000 to 2001 years, visit scholar for Beijing university
Is Beijing University the volume member " Chinese modern artistic document" of " the Chinese cultural research center of 20 century " can associate chief editor
Research subject: Chinese modern artistic document and artistic history methodology
Is engage in Chinese present artistic criticism, research, plan show and the history theory teaching of fine arts mainly , study work

The Guizhou province theoretician association trustee and Guizhou of literature and art save artist association theoretical committee associate director and Guizhou to save youth calligrapher association member
Qingdao sea green art develops central academic committee member , Guangzhou the magazine "artistic circle" specially invited volume member and Chinese academy of fine arts the chief editor of book series " visual China"

2.Major paper and comment , compile:

For 2002 years:
The Chinese difficult condition " the Chinese language boundary in present art with" Beijing <Xi sharp> 4/20002
Do you are ugly for what "behavior" to make "art" become as this? Tianjin <artist> 4/20002
The expedition "" the Shanghai " with present art go to the countryside " " artistic the present age " 3/20002
" is sparse to be away from and confirm " display to start base drawing picture the skill writing four seasons " preface Guiyang" " 3/20002
" Dong the body image in heavy art " the preface " Dong again drawing fair" the website " the alliance of fine arts"
" the king handsome king handsome art exhibition "" in game ? sexual quick game the alliance of fine arts of " preface " " website
The expedition "" " with present art go to the countryside — give Lu a open letter of hero and Qiu Zhi Jie the alliance of fine arts "" " website
The public space "" the Chinese university of Hong Kong " it is artistic with Chinese vanguard to grow up " "21 century" 4/2002
Beijing University " the road of modern art — Zhu green livelihood visit to talk" the
" modern China" of " the Chinese cultural research center of 20 century "
" embrace " strength and meaning — high brothers visit to talk about the century
online Chinese art "" " website
The Hong Kong " the carnival of whole people concerning soccer" the net publication
" in century China"
Guiyang " a singer final sigh " " skill writing four seasons " 2/20002
Intellectual and the genuine artist "" is fellow traveller the Hunan press of fine arts " "
artistic ecology "
Jiangsu people's press " Chinese present artistic state "

For 2001 years:
" the violence of homeland the western alliance of fine arts "" that melts with demon "
The meat body " about" strength " the alliance of fine arts "" " website " will make
love , do not fight — the politics "Beijing" modern art in rock music and behavior
art " 3/2001
" art whether creation a kind of new visual morals "? Beijing " modern art " 1/2001
Beijing " it is artistic to be the balance with technology" " modern design and art "
The cultural dialogue " line picture in" Guangzhou "" " packing and design " 4/2001
The Guizhou press of fine arts " the poetry heart of scenery rough wood" the preface "
Moistens raw drawing fair"
The press of liberation army of literature and art " come the modern meaning of virtue
penmanship experiment" " have come virtue penmanship comment fair "
Beijing " universe and the liberation of words are spiritual " " eastern art " 1/2001
Beijing " new medium art is in China " " Beijing weekly " ( English )

In 2000:
The 2000 Shanghai two years " say very much Zhi poetry — — read Li Hua
livelihood near make
" show album " the / Shanghai on sea " The Guizhou university artistic institute "
consumer cultural surface surface sight" the southwest artistic publication seal of
research institute
" mark Si ? Beckman: Life story and art " ( compile ) the Guizhou university artistic
southwest artistic publication seal of research institute

In 1999:
The Hong Kong " Chinese the present age is artistic and professionally more
competent , is institutionalized with internationalization" the magazine " artistic
trend" society
King forest chief editor " move mutual the cultural position of times "
Guangzhou " sculpture is also a kind of feelings" " artistic circle " 4/1999
Chongqing " suburban scenery is with the artist of town " " Chongqing youth
newspaper "

In 1998:
Guangzhou " mythology and the reality of machine paradise" " artistic circle " 4/1998
Guiyang " the culture in Guizhou present art is borne " " your artistic institute journal
" 4/1998
" is periphery to shake " Guiyang " your artistic institute journal " 3/1998
Guiyang " Pu the life torrent in country prosperous drawing" " your artistic institute
journal " 2/1998
" us only consuming, it can be more rich "! Guiyang " cultural broad angle " 2/1998

In 1997:
Nanjing " cultural nationalism with Zhu green livelihood clear up pattern" " Jiangsu
pictorial " 6/1997
Nanjing " the Utopia of our times" " Jiangsu pictorial " 9/1997
Nanjing " indulging and neglecting is away from " " Jiangsu pictorial " 12/1997
" ask questions again with artistic way" Nanning " the circle of fine arts " 1/1997
" return Utopia: The theme introduction "Nanning" circle of fine arts " 4/1997
The Chinese experience " form build Gou with" the Hong Kong "" the magazine "
artistic trend"
society king forest chief editor " final scenery "
The Hong Kong " city scenery is with MTV " the magazine " artistic trend" society
king forest
chief editor " metropolis personality 1997 "
Guiyang " flee is away from to clamor" " skill writing theory clump " 2/1997
Guiyang " Liu the Qi sculpture of ten thousands in magical with reality" " present
Guizhou "7/1997

In 1996:
Beijing " read Dong Ke Jun near make " "fine arts" 2/1996
Guiyang " the person that can swim " " Guiyang society department " 2/1996
Guiyang " flow out light to be easy person throw " " coloured brook " 1/1996
" move towards modern Guizhou wax printing "Guiyang" present Guizhou" 1/1996
" drawing, a kind of alive law "Guiyang" skill writing theory clump " 2/1996

In 1995:
The Hunan press of fine arts " free threshold" " present art "/9
Guangzhou " the life on plane" " packing and design " 1/1995
The Guizhou people's press " chisel open south wasteland through the ages cover
tightly " " Qian Yuan ink marks "
Jilin " depth eliminate to lose" take a photograph press " Dong again drawing fair "
" is periphery to shake " Guiyang " skill writing theory clump " 1/1995
Guiyang " in week, lifetime Britain wax printing is artistic and spiritual with morals"
the drawing
fair " in week, lifetime Britain wax printing is artistic "

In 1994:
Guiyang " first raw calf does not be afraid of tiger" " cultural broad angle " 1/1994
Guiyang " wax printing is artistic and modern to create " the 6 " Guizhou daily paper",
Guiyang " the art of big landscape" " Guizhou culture " 2/1994
Guiyang of " appointment " " cultural broad angle " 8/1994
Guiyang " flat hair , wear first scholar and little braid" " cultural broad angle "
Guiyang " artistic jottings second" the 4 " Guizhou daily paper", 8/1994

In 1993:
Guiyang " it can be teacher to gossip " " skill writing theory clump " 2/1993
Guiyang " discuss art to develop enter in traditional necessariness" " skill writing
theory clump " 3/1993
Guiyang " indoor scenery" " skill writing theory clump " 4/1993
" discuss poetry "Guiyang" today the literary world" 3/1993

In 1992:
Guiyang " the intellectual writing of medium times" " mountain flower " 4/1992
Guiyang " night notes — — lamp next random thoughts" " coloured brook " 1/1992
Guiyang " idea modelling and magical reality" " Guizhou culture " 2/1992

In 1991:
Guiyang of " soliloquy " " mountain flower " 5/1991

In 1990:
Beijing " the Guizhou present fine arts in difficult condition" "fine arts" 6/1990
" the road of child child: His dream "Guizhou" and the ink play of feather Qian the
national journal of teachers training school " 1, 2/1990

In 1989:
Guizhou " the living fossil of national culture" the 1 " Qian the southwest national
journal of teachers training school", 2/1989

In 1987:
Guizhou " culture and modernization are with person " " Qian the southwest national journal of teachers training school " 1/1987
" study the art "Lanzhou" present trend of literature and art that watched " 6/1987

In 1986:
Lanzhou " the originalness trend in modern doctrine drawing" " the present trend of literature and art " 5/1986

3.Monograph and publication:

The Chinese press of academy of fine arts " Chinese behavior take a photograph " ( 2000 ) with Luo even chief editor
The Chongqing press of fine arts " Chinese west Guizhou fine arts are studied " ( happen )
" have picture recently" the Hunan press of fine arts ( happen )

4.Exhibition plans:

In 2001 6 — 7 " new medium, new vision " — 2001 years China — German new
medium artistic week " ( Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou )
Beijing university modern artistic institute and German song virtue institute Beijing divide into courtyard to sponsor
In 2001 6 the new artistic show " the strength of meat body" ( Beijing depository Ku )
In 1998 4 " Guizhou university artistic institute first class academic invitation show " ( Guiyang ) 1997, 6 " return Utopia — — metropolis personality 1997 " ( Guiyang ) academic host

5.Teaching and research campaign:

1.teaching: There is " the Chinese history of fine arts " for the course that undergraduate students and graduate student have set up , " the western history of fine arts " , " Chinese modern artistic special subject " , " western modern artistic history " , " thing artistic philosophy " , " modern design history " , " modern building history " , " vision communicate history " , " medium theoretical and popular culture " , " rear modern artistic special subject " , the etc. " artistic outline".

2.research: In 2000 the Guizhou university humanity society department research project of financial aid " medium theoretical and popular culture " , the Guizhou university humanity society department research project of financial aid of 2002 years " new medium artistic research " , Beijing university " the Chinese cultural research center of 20 century the Chinese modern artistic document " visit to study project" database the Chinese west Guizhou skill " , Chongqing religion department place research project" research " etc..