老羊 laoyang
到他空间看看 To his space to see
所在地区 Current place of residence:中国-上海/昆明
电话 Phone:
邮箱 Email:burnyou@126.com
其他联系方式 Other contact:
QQ 50429417
基本信息 Basic information专业呈现 Professional display相关链接 Link

有“鬼才”之称,又被戏称为“中国最大的朋克”、“中国最穷的商人”。 11岁学画,15岁开始写作。种过田、做过诗人、当过工人、当过兵、拍过电视、经过商、出资举办过无数文化活动,人生经历多过文字图片记录……

2016 “花间集——釉当别论”老羊当代高温颜色釉画作展 云南民族博物馆
2008“老羊油画作品展”个展 云南民族博物馆
2007“情色及其他”老羊个展 云南民族博物馆

上苑国际驻留艺术家群展 北京上苑艺术馆
“尽在其中—当代绘画邀请展” 北京农展馆
棣求村艺术田园创作国际展 山东滨州
上海自由职业艺术家主题展 上海中华艺术宫
“视觉绑架”艺术展 北京798艺术区 艺典空间
第五届中国西部陶艺作品双年展 成都 四川美术馆
“Art in office”艺术展 上海 银来艺术中心
“花间集——釉当别论”老羊当代高温颜色釉画作展 云南民族博物馆
“有限无限”国际户外雕塑(装置)现场 上海 奉贤海湾
“怒放的生命”上海艺术区艺术家邀请展 上海“享乐主义”一号营地
“我的莲”2014当代艺术10人展 上海 M50 邑画廊
“澳门首届艺术品博览会” 澳门 威尼斯人展览中心
“艺术点燃生命”特殊青少年系列展 上海
“爱的彩虹”宋庆龄基金慈善拍卖 北京 北京饭店
“自由度自由美”中国当代艺术家作品展览 上海
上海浦东国际艺术邀请展 上海 上海浦东图书馆
“蒲公英的寓意”中国当代艺术家作品展 上海 惠生艺术中心
上海意德画院首届作品邀请展 上海
“典型事件”新进上海七人作品展 上海 大朴堂画廊
“奇异的天空”云南名家油画作品展 昆明 翡翠里广场
台湾、昆明、重庆、成都当代艺术展 云南红河 红河博物馆
“老羊油画作品展”个展 昆明 云南民族博物馆
“象牙塔风景线—研究生导师推荐油画展” 上海 聚荣轩56艺术馆
“合力”7人艺术展 昆明 诺地卡瑞典文化中心
“情色及其他”个展 昆明 云南民族博物馆
“蔓延的爱—以文化关注爱滋”艺术展 昆明 诺地卡瑞典文化中心

1993年—1994年 商业广告策划。
1995年 创办云南第一个以“自由撰稿人”为组合的智囊群体,提出以弱势企业为思考的“联合营销”概念,以网络构建和通路营销为理念的“集团公司市场运作”模式,提出以荒土经营和房地产物业管理相媾合的“农庄经营”等项目,为云南商界注入新血液。
1995年 电视拜年系列活动…..
96、97年 策划实施“疯狂广告人之夜”…….
1998年 策划推广“电视公益广告100条”电视台联播项目;“昆明首届扳倒和麻将大赛”等活动…..
99年 首开云南印刷广告时尚,创办《醒目》DM广告文化杂志;99年“迎接21世纪——香港、台湾、内地群星演唱会”…….
2000年 开办《旅游与消费广告》云南全省发行全彩色报纸类媒体;举办“云南旅游知识大奖赛”;“昆明广告设计创意大奖赛”;与多家媒体合作,推出“房地产广告特别服务体系”,推出“昆明楼市图”,昆明楼市地州销售展…… 2000年中秋4天4夜音乐不间断“电子音乐锐舞狂欢夜”活动;同年,推出云南“首界探险旅游产品销售展”……推出“中国艺术在行动”系列活动,举办世博新春盛装舞会、《红楼梦》四场精品演出、云南洞经音乐包装推广11场演出…….
2001年 “昆明现代音乐节”、“大观公园公园文化节”、“中国54部独立电影展”“中国欧洲青年艺术家交流展”、“e之吻”第二届校园网络女孩大赛、“文化风景线” 高校行12场演出、“文化风景线”社区行40场演出……
2002年 策划举办“昆明世博园国际欢乐品酒节”…..
2003、2004年 “亚洲群星演唱会”;策划包装云南15岁小歌手朱婧……
2005年 “亚洲国际橄榄球锦标赛”……
2006年 陇川目脑纵歌节;中国民营企业家高峰论坛暨香港紫荆花杯理事会议;“云南民企 双优盛典”评选活动;《大学生创业专栏》项目及系列活动;昆明女性电影周;《合力》艺术展…..
2007年 云南省庆祝香港回归十年系列活动(十件大事评选、滇港高级论坛、香港电影周及图片展)德宏葫芦丝文化节;《合力》艺术展(第二回)…..
2008年 开始倡导“艺术享乐主义”;投资策划举办“我们的生活”跨年度历时一年的50个艺术作品展及讲座活动……
2009年 “典型事件”新进上海七人作品展;“天路”巴卡?取宾活佛唐卡艺术展;毛旭辉、唐志冈提名云南青年艺术家作品展;艺术上海……
2010年 创作编辑电影《浴》(怒江记事)……
2011年 “艺术家的葡萄园”作品创作及展览(上海)、2011反战作品创作及展览、“青胴记”张玉岩个展(上海)……
2012年 中国妇女发展基金“山乡援教”慈善项目、享乐主义1号营地(上海奉贤)……
2013年 “文革日记”王耀华作品展、“水墨三岔口”作品展……
2014年 推广“艺术造景”。上海“有限无限”国际户外雕塑(装置)现场…………
2015年 福建“有限无限”国际户外雕塑(装置)现场……
2016年 推广“艺术养老”……
2017年 “艺术DNA”项目、“尽在其中—当代绘画邀请展”等……

The artist, plan exhibition person:Lao Yang
He was named “the wizard”.He is a free artist and renowned moving spirit. He is “the Chinese biggest friend gram”and“the Chinese poorest merchant”.When 11 year old,he studied picture and 15 years old started to write.He plant the field and pat the television .He ever to be a poet, worker, soldier and business. He invested to conduct the innumerable cultural event. His life experiences more than writing picture record. He stopped paiting 1992 years. The past more than ten years he are engaged in the advertisement, cultural, music activity plan implementation and the artistic plan exhibition work. In June 2006 he ascends the paint brush again. The oil painting and third thin is the most impotent part of his work. He lives in Shanghai, Kunming

2006 “the spread love - pays attention to AIDS by the culture” the art show Chinese elder brother Mimno card Sweden cultural center
2007 year “joint effort” 7 person of art shows Chinese elder brother Mimno card Sweden cultural center “sentiment color and other” exhibition Chinese Kunming Yunnan Nationality Museum
2008 year “Lao Yang oil painting art show” exhibition Chinese Kunming Yunnan Nationality Museum “ivory tower scenery line - graduate student teacher recommended the oil art exhibition” the Chinese Shanghai to gather glory porch 56 art center the
2009 year “the typical event” recently the Shanghai seven person of art shows Chinese Shanghai greatly plain hall decorated corridor

The plan, the organization implement the project (part):
1993 - 1994 commercial advertizing plan.
1995 organizes Yunnan first take “the free-lance writer” as the combination brain truster community, proposed that take the weak trend enterprise as the ponder “the union marketing” the concept, take the network construction and the circuit marketing as the idea “the Group market operation” the pattern, proposed take the wild earth management and the real estate estate management coition “the village management” and so on projects, pours into the new blood as the Yunnan business circle. the 1995 year television pays new year's call series activity .....
1996, 1997 plan implementation “night of the crazy adman” .......
1998 year plan promotion “television public service advertizing 100” the television station to broadcast the project; “the Kunming first session topples with the mahjong big game” and so on active .....
1999 new year opens the Yunnan printing advertisement fashion, organizes "Strikingly" the DM advertisement culture magazine; 99 years “greet - - Hong Kong, Taiwan, inland group star concert .......
2000 year to set up "Traveling And Expense Advertisement" in the 21st century” the Yunnan entire province distribute the entire colored newspaper class media; Holds “the Yunnan traveling knowledge grand prize contest”; “Kunming advertisement design creativity grand prize contest”; With many media cooperations, promotes “the real estate advertisement specially services structure”, promotes “the Kunming real estate market chart”, Kunming real estate market state sale exhibition ...... in 2000 a Mid-Autumn Festival 4 day of 4 night of music was uninterrupted “the electronic music sharp dance revelry night” the activity; In the same year, promotes Yunnan “the exploration tourism product sale exhibition” ......Promotes “the Chinese art in the motion” the series activity, holds the world abundant early spring splendid attire dance party, "Hong Lou Meng" four high-quality goods performances, the Yunnan hole promotes 11 performance ....... after music packing
2001 “the Kunming modern music festival”, “the big view park park culture festival”, “the Chinese 54 independent movie exhibits” “the Chinese Europe young artists exchanged the exhibition”, “lips of the e” the second session of campus network girl big game, “the cultural scenery line” a university line of 12 performance, “the cultural scenery line” society district bank 40 performance ......
2002 plan to hold “Kunming world abundant garden international happy wine-tasting festival celebration” .....
2003, in 2004 “the Asian group star concert”; The plan packs Yunnan 15 year old of young singer Zhu Jing ......
2005 “the Asian international rugby championship tournament” ......
2006 year Longchuan item of brain vertical song festival; Chinese private enterpreneur peak forum and Hong Kong cercis chinensis figured cup director conference; “Yunnan people business double superior magnificent ceremony” evaluation; "University students' innovative undertaking Column" project and series activity; Kunming feminine film week; "With joint forces" art show .....
2007 Yunnan Province celebrates Hong Kong to return ten year series activity (ten important matters to evaluate, Yunnan port high-level forum, Hong Kong film week and photo expo) the Dehong bottle gourd silk culture festival; "With joint forces" the art show (the second chapter) .....
2008 plan conducted “our life” 50 artistic art shows and course activity ......
2009 “the typical event” recently the Shanghai seven person of art shows, “the day road” Baca took the guest living buddha Tang card art show, Mao Xuhui, Tang Zhigang to raise nominates Yunnan young artist art show ......