展览背景 Exhibition Background
Suzhou has a long history of 2,500 years which evolved its unique and charm culture. At the same time, Suzhou is the second largest industrial city in China inferior to Shanghai, it has a rapid growth in aspect of the industrial index and the per capita GDP. This prosperity economic will require that the development of culture should be diverse. However, in the hot contemporary art market, we can’t see too much contemporary art activities and few people are concerned about contemporary art in this city. Many young or not young contemporary artists have been to other cities. Yes, compared to Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and other cities in China, Suzhou is very quiet. But is this silence also a rejection or indifference? In the situation of globalization, Suzhou should encourage the diversity of artistic creation with the development of the economic.
In the year of 2007, Truecolor Museum was completed in Guo Lane of Suzhou. It has the land of 13 mu and the construction area of 11,000 square meters. It was constructed more than four years and now it is the largest private investment museum in Suzhou. Jiushenggang Art District and Truecolor Museum are separated by a road. At present, there are more than 30 artists’ studios, several galleries and design studios have moved to the Art District ,which forms the first contemporary art community in Suzhou and adds a brilliant cultural landscape to Suzhou. As the artists gathered into crowds, I believe that the art in this district will become the mainstream art in Suzhou.
此次“透明”艺术邀请展就是基于本色美术馆开幕的契机,借第七届上海双年展提升的艺术温度,旨在苏州九盛港艺术区举办苏州历年来参展人数最多、规模最大,涉及面最广的一次当代艺术展。此次邀请展参展艺术家来自全国众多城市,既有活跃在当今艺坛的先锋人物,也有年轻的新锐艺术家,其作品题材丰富,形式多样,具有鲜明的艺术个性和强烈的时代精神。相信此次展览必将为苏州当代艺术的普及、推动和繁荣具有不可替代的作用,为苏州当代文化添上浓墨重彩的 一笔。
Based on the opportunity of Truecolor Museum’s opening and the Seventh Shanghai Biennale’s showing, the " Transparency " art exhibition would like to held the largest contemporary art exhibition in Suzhou that there will be the most artists to participate in. The exhibition invited artists from many cities. Some of them are active and famous in the contemporary art zone , the others are the young artists. Their works have wealthy subject matters, various forms, distinctive artistic personality and a strong spirit of our times. I believe that the exhibition will play an irreplaceable role in popularizing and promoting contemporary art in Suzhou, and it will add a kind of prosperity to Suzhou contemporary culture.
展览宗旨Exhibition Purposes
什么是“透明”?苏珊·桑塔格说:“‘透明’是一种艺术——也是批判——中最高,最具有解放性的价值。“透明”是指体验事物自身的那种清晰或体验事物本来面目的那种明晰。”透明的力量是无穷的。它可以还原真相,体现尊重。这次“5·12” 大地震,救灾现场向媒体开放,伤亡数字每天公布,捐赠金额每天发布,使每一个公民都被感动了。猜测自然止于透明,谣言自然止于公开。
What is the transparency? Susan Sontag said: "the transparency is an art , which’s also the highest and most liberal value in critique. The transparency is that we could experience things truly and clearly. " The transparency has boundless power. It can restore the truth and reflect the respect. In the "5 ? 12" earthquake, disaster sites were open to the media, and the number of casualties were daily publicized, and the donation amount were published daily ,so every person was moved. Speculations naturally end because of the transparency, and Rumors naturally end because of the open.
透明是一种没有颜色的颜色,是一种不加掩饰的心情,是一种毫不做作的性格。曾几何时,我们不得不对艺术品进行谋篇布局,不得不遵循各种条条框框,但现在我们可以自由地表达所想所做的东西。 一个艺术家需要最大限度的自我化,在任何境遇里都需要保持自己的风格,透明地表现自己对事物的理解和看法。
The transparency is a color which we can’t see, and it is a feeling which is not hidden,and it is a character which is sincere .In previous time, we had to attach importance to the layout of our works, and had to comply with various standards, but now we can freely express our feelings. An artist needs to maximize himself, and he need to maintain his style in any case, and transparently performance his views of things.
The reaffirmation of the transparency also means that we desire the transparency. It is our emotional need but also evolves the alienation of the art, the transparency makes the art convey a language to us, and the language bears the weight of our understanding and awareness to the real world. The exhibition just is a shadow, and we expect to exchange for the purity of human nature through the transparence. This is the meaning of humanities survival, and its significance is far in the future.