12 APRIL - 24 JUNE
2012年 4月 12日至 6月 24日

上圖之1: 星躍馬術奇藝坊載譽歸來,演出以人馬為題材的傳奇神話“人馬的沉思”
上圖之2: 香港歷來最大型的畢加索藝術展,展出這位藝術大師的四十八幅著名著名油畫及七件雕塑
上圖之3: 波爾多國家歌劇院芭蕾舞團將演出著名古典作品及法國當代創作
由法國駐香港及澳門總領事館主辦,與香港法國文化協會合作及由康樂及文化事務署及香港賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助的「法國五月」藝術節,一直以來被公認為香港及澳門年度最頂尖的藝術文化盛會。今年是「法國五月」藝術節二十周年,由 2012 年 4 月 12 日至 6 月 24 日期間,將會於香港及澳門呈獻一系列精彩藝術文化節目 ─ 視覺藝術、話劇、古典和當代音樂、舞蹈、電影、綜合藝術表演、「法國時裝五月」(Le French Fashion May) 以及「法國五月」美食節 (Le French GourMay) ,當中包括約五十項舞台表演、二十個展覽及五十部電影放映。門票將於 3月29日起正式公開發售。
聯繫法國香港 共慶廿載友誼
法國駐香港及澳門總領事栢雅諾先生(Mr. Arnaud Barthélémy)表示:「2012年是『法國五月』藝術節的二十周年。我想藉此機會衷心感謝所有合作伙伴在過去鼎力支持及推動法國文化藝術,令『法國五月』被公認為國際知名的藝術節目,我為此感到驕傲,同時亦熱切期待今年『法國五月』的來臨,因為我們將會呈獻最矚目的節目,與廣大市民一同慶祝我們過去二十年努力所得的成果。我亦希望透過今次的盛會將『法國五月』介紹給身邊的新知舊好,一同推動香港、澳門及法國的文化交流。」
今年『法國五月』藝術節將會聚焦於視覺藝術,展覽將於香港及澳門多個場地、美術館及畫廊舉行,包括首次於澳門藝術博物館舉辦的法國當代藝術家 Jean-Michel Othoniel 的世界巡迴展覽『閃亮人生』,展出他在八十年代早期至近期的代表作。著名法國藝術家 Nathalie Decoster 更會於香港多個室內外場地展出其極具代表性的雕塑。
為向一眾國際影壇巨星致敬,新晉法國攝影師 Jérome Bonnet 將於尖沙咀星光大道展出他精挑細選的三十幅攝影作品照片。法國文化協會亦於星光大道舉辦名為『遊樂場:法國當代攝影』的攝影展覽,展出 Stéphane Couturier 、Alain Bublex 及Gilbert Garcin 的攝影作品,展示三人把現實、虛構和抽象重叠於當代景觀中的一系列高質素作品。
『法國五月』藝術節二十周年的世界級舞台表演陣容還包括:由法國著名舞台劇監製 Philippe Arlaud聯同香港歌劇院及一眾國際知名演員所演出的法國經典劇目『卡門』。源自於路易十四時期的法國波爾多國家歌劇院芭蕾舞團將會演出著名的古典作品及法國當代創作,而載譽歸來的星躍馬術奇藝坊以傳奇神話人馬為題材呈獻『人馬的沉思』。繼去年以『黑色電影』為主題的法國電影回顧獲得廣泛好評後,今年『法國五月』藝術節二十周年將會透過一系列法國及香港電影,帶出兩地的都市風景,同時繼續兩地的文化對談。
由法國駐香港及澳門總領事館主辦,與香港法國文化協會合作及由康樂及文化事務署贊助的 「法國五月」藝術節,今年已踏入20週年,並成為亞洲最大型的法國藝術節之一。
過往「法國五月」上演了超過 500 個世界頂尖的節目,當中包括各種形式的藝術 ─ 視覺藝術、歌劇、古典及當代音樂、舞蹈、綜合藝術表演、電影、美食節 (Le French GourMay) 及時裝節 (Le French Fashion May)。
12 APRIL - 24 JUNE
Organised by the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macao, in collaboration with the AllianceFran?aise, and with the support of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of Hong Kong and The HongKong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Le French May has been highly praised as one of the leading annual artsfestivals in Hong Kong and Macao. This year Le French May will celebrate its 20th edition and present thewidest selection of French cultural programs, taking place across the cities of Hong Kong and Macao from 12April to 24 June.
Exquisite programs ranging from visual arts, opera, classical and modern music, ballet, contemporary dance,
theatre, cinema, multi-arts performances to fashion, as well as culinary arts with Le French GourMay –including around 50 performances, 20 exhibitions, and 50 movie screenings. Tickets go on sale from
Thursday 29 March.
Celebrating 20 years of French Friendship with Hong Kong
Mr. Arnaud Barthélémy, The Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macao said, “2012 will be the occasion to celebrate the 20th edition of Le French May. Thanks to the strong and constant commitment of our partners in the promotion of French arts and culture, we managed to turn this French festival into a renowned rendez-vous truly acclaimed by the public. I am very proud of what has been achieved and feel more than enthusiastic about this coming edition, which will present an ambitious program in order to celebrate 20 years of French excellence. May this very special occasion also be an opportunity for me to invite new and old friends to share our common will to develop French cultural exchanges with Hong Kong and Macao.”
This year’s programs will increase its focus on the visual arts, held in indoor and outdoor spaces, museums and galleries across Hong Kong and Macao, including the contemporary art exhibition “My Way” by the world renowned French artist, Jean-Michel Othoniel in Macau Museum of Art showcasing the artist’s early works of the 1980s to the latest monumental installations. Amazing monumental sculptures from the French artist Nathalie Decoster will be exhibited around Hong Kong.
Paying tribute to icons of international movie stars, a selection of 30 of the most beautiful portraits by the young and talented French photographer, Jér?me Bonnet, will be exhibited on Avenue of Stars. Organized by Alliance Fran?aise, the photographic exhibition “Playgrounds: French Contemporary Photography” featuring Stéphane Couturier, Alain Bublex and Gilbert Garcin will also be exhibited on Avenue of Stars, which demonstrates the contemporary landscapes where reality, fiction and abstraction overlap.
Crème de la Crème is definitely the largest-ever Picasso exhibition featuring the master’s 48 oil paintings and 7 sculptures including some of the artist’s most famous works “The Barefoot Girl”, “Woman in Red Armchair” and “Portrait of Dora Maar”, which will be showcased in Hong Kong Heritage Museum. These works characterize Picasso’s various artistic styles and celebrate each notable period of the artists eight decade career including the Blue period, the Rose period and his iconic cubism.
The 20th edition will also showcase a world class line up of performances which are significantly acclaimed inFrance and abroad, including the French Opéra “Carmen” presented by Opera Hong Kong with the PhilippeArlaud’s acclaimed staging backed by a cast of French and international renowned artists. Bordeaux OpéraBallet, being part of the French heritage since the reign of Louis XIV, will present renowned classical piecesas well as French contemporary creations. Last but not least, The Zingaro Company is back in town againwith an intimate and poetic show named “Le Centaure et l’Animal” featuring men and horses.
Following the success of last year’s cinema retrospective “NOIR”, Le French May 2012 will continue a cultural dialogue between Hong Kong and Paris via a series of screenings of Hong Kong and French films portraying the cityscape. Paris and Hong Kong, both are strongly represented in movies, whether as the subject or the backdrop, they are essential to the plot that takes place there and contribute to mixed atmospheres of unique culture, history, luxury and crazy rhythms. Let’s draw the parallel of these two cities – a world of its own.
In 2012 Le French May welcomes you again - ‘Bienvenue’
The Festival also offers different activities to involve the audience and invite them to meet the artists through workshops and master classes, Le French May lets the audience get closer to the topics, to learn the techniques, and to develop their artistic sense.
Please feel free to check out the full programs of Le French May Arts Festival 2012 at www.frenchmay.com.
Tickets will go on sale from Thursday 29 March, available online at www.urbtix.hk and www.hkticketing.com.
About Le French May
Organized by the Consulate General of France in collaboration with the Alliance Fran?aise of Hong Kong and Macao, and with the support of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, over the last 20 years Le French May has grown to become one of the leading French arts festivals in Asia.
During its history, Le French May has staged over 500 events of the highest international calibre, covering a broad array of artistic disciplines that include the visual arts, opera, classical and contemporary music, dance, multi-arts performances, cinema, Le French GourMay as well as Le French Fashion May.