工作室主辦人: 蔡 志 榮
策展團對工作群: 代表 林 月 霞
Tsai Chih-Rong’s Creative Process
Tsai Chih-Rong, born in 1957, Taiwan, is one of the founding members of the Taipei Art Group. He has also been part of the Taiwan Artist Guild and the Asian Artist Guild. The representation of Tsai Chih-Rong’s artwork embodies his sharp take on the developments taking place in society as a whole.
His early works sought to depict the social phenomena following the lifting of martial law, which gave rise to unrest and fear in conflicts between groups and the strife of minority groups. In addition to providing an outlet for his deeply buried consciousness and subconscious, it also provided an avenue for depicting the emotion that yearns to be free from control. His style emanates a strong visual energy and is reminiscent of expressionism.
Living in this fast-paced time and age, Tsai Chih-Rong is aware of the developments on information technology and the convenience and timeliness made possible with the advent of the Internet. However, this also means that people today are constantly bombarded with messages and symbols day in and day out and have their lives classified by barcode readers. On large canvasses, he employs the use of the ubiquitous numbers to form what seems to be a simple image to caution people to maintain communication with other people and not be driven over by the numbers that are ever-present in society.
Along the same vein, Tsai Chih-Rong understands that he is not only working as a professional but also needs to locate himself as an artist firmly in day-to-day life in order to have an impact in society. For this reason, he promoted the concept of “environmental power aesthetics.” For instance, when the Lincoln Mansion, located in Hsizhe, collapsed without warning in 1999, survivors were left to fend for themselves battling fear and anxiety. Tasi Chih-Rong participated in the emotional reconstruction of these residents. With the help of the residents, he was able to complete “Disaster Art”, chronicling scenes of the reconstruction and helping the residents overcome their post-disaster trauma. This kind of “environmental power aesthetics” can embody different regional and cultural characteristics depending on where and when it occurs, thus leading the viewer to deliberate on the relationship between mankind and its environment.
2002 大湖國家公園、舞動與圓的方位 群動藝術、監獄空間、受刑人創作藝術再造。
2006 環境 ─ 動力美學:融合?化解 藝術企劃
2008 台北國家文化總會 『磁性、共生K5225檔案 No:1』當代藝術展
2008 台北天使美術館 『磁性、共生K5225檔案 No:1』當代藝術展
2008 台北天使美術館 『磁性、共生K5225檔案 No:2』當代藝術展
不同於『磁性、共生K5225檔案 No:1』的藝術創作組合,集合射影、繪畫、立體與裝置藝術為一展覽的當代藝術展出。
2008 台北太平洋文化基金會 『台灣當下策展』展
2009 台中A7958當代藝術空間 『A7958火種當代藝勢邀請展』
2009 河蒙自博物館 『紅河起藝 ─ 台灣、昆明、重慶、成都當代藝術展』
在99藝廊的配合協助下跨海將海峽兩岸的當代新銳藝術作一統合與展出,參展藝術家來自台灣北中南各地菁英,與大陸西南的藝術家。當大家將目光集中在北京時,卻忘了大陸當代藝術的發源地 ─ 西南,因此,透過此策展將四個地方的藝術融合展出,其產生的火花是絢麗的。
2009 台北國家文化總會 『跨界 ─ 圖像新視點 西南當代藝術展』
2009 台北日昇月鴻藝術空間 『Hello!我们的地球 當代百位名人邀請展』
為響應環保救地球而與老子曰企業、台北日昇月鴻藝術空間合作,由老子企業家葉兩傳捐出一部賓利車拆解,再邀請中外百位名人藝術家參與將拆下的零件作為創作原素。而此次的藝術活動是整個策展的開幕展,在此開幕展中邀請法國藝術家Hubert le Gall以裝置藝術形態植入大樹一株,寓含再生的影射,再集結台灣當代知名藝術家黃銘哲、莊普、蔡志榮、林月霞、陳仁彬以立體作品呈現對環保的重視
2010 台北天使美術館 『璀璨 風華當代藝術生活展』
2008 National Cultural Association – Magnetic?Commensal No: 1
2008 Angel Art Gallery - Magnetic?Commensal No: 1
2008 Angel Art Gallery - Magnetic?Commensal No: 2
2008 Pacific Cultural Foundation – Contemporary curator of Taiwan
2008 A7958 Gallery – Culture Flame: Contemporary Trends of Art Exhibition by Renowned Taiwanese Artists
2009 99Qiyi Gallery – A Exhibition of Chengdu Chongqing kunming and Taiwan Contemporary Art
2009 National Cultural Association – New Viewpoint on Multi-Field Image: New South-West Contemporary Painting Exhibition
2009 Ever Harvest Art Gallery – Hello!Save the Planet: Hundreds of Artists Contemporary Art
2010 Angel Art Gallery the Life of Contemporary Art